We are convinced that there can be no sustainability without responsibility and that's why we offer our customers innovative solutions pursuing an ethical business development.
We want to contribute with our ethical and social commitment to the lowering of the pollution thresholds reached by our society.
Trusting in a circular economy to improve the quality of our lives, we add value to the image of our customers, we support them in... environmental sustainability.
That is why we support initiatives aimed at sustainable innovation of processes in the belief that collaboration helps to spread this culture.
Our facilities are powered by energy from renewable sources and we have obtained the following certifications:
ISO: 9001 - ISO: 14001 relating to the control of the environmental impacts of our activities for development and improvement with a view to effectiveness and sustainability;
ISO: 45001 relating to the management and safety at work system.
ENEL ONE certification for the use of energy from renewable sources.

ISO 9001
We have worked to obtain ISO 9001 by defining them as skills for implementation within STEGIP 4 of a system of quality management , improving i business processes , effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of our services to increase the satisfaction of our customers.

ISO 14000
We worked on requirements of our environmental management system to adapt them and arrive at the optimization of Stegip 4 that respects the environment ecosystem.

ISO 45001
With the aim of providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and all those who visit the workplace, we have achieved ISO 45001.